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Medical Terminology

Meningioma- A typically noncancerous tumor

Aneurysm- An excessive localized enlargement of an artery caused by a weakening in the artery wall

Thoracic- Of or relating to the thorax

Herniation- The act of an organ bulging through tissue or and abnormal opening

Subdural Hematoma- A pool of blood between the brain and its outermost opening

Epidural Hematoma- A pool of blood on the brain

Neuron- A specialized cell transmitting nerve impulses

Synapse- A junction between two nerve cells, consisting of a minute gap across which impulses pass by diffusion of a neurotransmitter

Gyri- A ridge or fold between two clefts on the cerebral surface of the brain

Sulci- A groove or furrow on the surface of the brain

Myelin- A mixture of proteins and phospholipids forming a whitish insulating sheath around many nerve fibers, increasing the speed at which impulses are conducted

Autosome- Any chromosome that is not a sex chromosome

Chromosome- A threadlike structure of nucleic acids and protein found in the nucleus of most living cells, carrying genetic information in the form of genes

Lobe- A roundish and flattish part of something, typically each of two or more such parts are divided by a fissure, and often are projecting or hanging

Hemisphere- A half of a sphere or sphere like shape (the brain)



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